Ares Protocol brand made full line upgrade covering a full stack of products

Ares Protocol
6 min readOct 22, 2021


The Polkadot ecological project Ares Protocol was founded in August 2020 and is committed to creating a new generation of oracles that are more “real, safe, fast, and consumer-friendly”.

In more than a year, the project has developed by leaps and bounds in the market and technology. Extensively attract talents, build a diversified global team; special project research and development, create multi-functional product attributes. The brand and interactive pages at the beginning of the project can no longer satisfy the development of the project.

For this reason, Ares Protocol officially ushered in a brand upgrade today. To bring users a better visual experience, silky user experience, and human interaction experience, the project has upgraded the brand from five aspects: brand logo, official website page, promotional video, function, and positioning.

Brand Logo is Upgraded


The notion of the Ares logo came from a fast-speed rocket. The whole graphic resembles the letter ‘’A’’, which connotates the efficiency and fast speed of the project. The coin in the middle symbolizes currency to imply that Ares will safeguard your assets to minimize your loss. Meanwhile, the new logo embodies the project’s vision to upsurge as a rocket.

The design style adds rounded corner details and smooth curves to make it more technologically smooth. This indicates the inclusiveness of Ares as an oracle, and we will move from the Polkadot ecosystem to multi-chain development.

Main Logo Ares Protocol
Ares Protocol Icon and avatar

Ares’ new brand color, #1195F1, is a sober blue that complements Oracle’s safety and stability. The classic blue and white collocation make the whole brand image more concise and vibrant.

This conveys the message that Ares Protocol is a new generation of Oracle that is efficient, accurate, and secure, also innovative. It is the first Oracle to implement on-chain validation, and the first to compensate data users for business losses caused by using Oracle data.

Correct shades

Ares Protocol is a multi-nation-based project with a diverse community including more than ten languages such as Spanish, Russian, Persian, Chinese, etc. Each community has its Avatar for social platforms.

Avatars by community


Mars is a canary network built by Ares Protocol on Kusama. The two of them are brother networks. Mars is in the same line as Ares in logo design, and they have many similar elements.

Logo construction

The following are the icons and avatars of Mars:

Mars Icon and avatar

The following is the logo of Mars:

Main Logo Mars

The new brand color of Mars is #E56239, which is orange and forms a complementary color with blue. This means that Ares + Mars, making up for each other’s shortcomings, which will be a King Fried Combo.

At the same time, Mars’ new brand color is more enthusiastic and groundbreaking. Because Mars is the pioneer network of Ares, and the relationship between Kusama and Polkadot is the same, many experimental functions will be carried out on Mars first and will be applied on Ares when they are mature.

Correct shades

Webside Upgrade

This brand upgrade covers the optimal upgrade of all pages on the PC end and mobile end. To bring Aresians a more beautiful interface, smoother and more comfortable operation, we have combined the opinions of global community members to increase the dynamic presentation of the interface, real-time prices, and provide a more concise and clear interface interaction.

The interface is more integrated, with detailed project profiles, instructive links, and social media information, etc. It’s considered a crucial spot to learn, operate and purchase ARES.

New website Ares Protocol

Website Mars Network

The New Ares Trailer

Function Optimization

Functions are enriched with its subscription button. After your subscription, you will receive an email about the updates from Ares.

A Wallet plug-in and new crowd loan functions are introduced. On the Mars page, you can contribute KSM to help project bid for slots. In the future, we will also open a rewarding channel for AMAS rewards or ARES airdrops.

The website introduced wallet slots and crowd-loan functions. On the page of Mars, you could contribute KSM to support the project to participate in the slot auction. Furthermore, we will open up reward channels to distribute AMAS rewards or ARES airdrops.

The Base Ground is Strengthened

Ares Protocol is a solution built on the Polkadot ecosystem to provide reliable, efficient, trust-free off-chain data. So far, Ares Protocol is exploring more application scenarios to apply in different ecosystems to build up decentralized cross-chain Oracle service to operate on multi-chain.

Mars is a canary network established on Kusama by Ares Protocol. It’s the only on-chain Oracle on Kusama. It processes contract call tests for asset prices and provides Kusama with original Oracle support, to serve the world of Kusama Defi.

The brand new Ares Protocol website link is available below, please click in.

The Cooperation on Brand Development

Online solicitation for peripherals of the project, scan the QR code below to obtain the source file of the Ares Logo.

We are delighted to see that many community partners have spontaneously produced Ares emoji packs, NFTs and peripherals.

These are the memes we received, personal use is welcomed.

We hope more Aresians could join our brand establishment, if you have any ideas or proposals, please contact community admins or send an email to us .Once your idea is implemented, we will appreciate you with Ares tokens.

Ares Protocol

Ares Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain oracle platform, which truly implements a new generation of cross-chain oracle service protocol for on-chain data validation, and is the first to open up a compensation channel for data users when they suffer business losses due to the use of oracle data.

Ares Protocol is developed based on the Substrate framework, is a random security oracle solution that supports hybrid Babe and off-chain workers. It integrates Polkadot’s latest on-chain governance, brings the Optimistic Rollup challenge model into the oracle field, supports the Ink contract ecosystem, and brings Defi developers better oracle services.

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Ares Protocol

The first chain-verified decentralised cross-chain oracle service protocol, please visit this link