Gladios test has ended perfectly, and the Ares mainnet preparatory network is about to launch!

Ares Protocol
5 min readJul 1, 2022


With the conclusion of the third phase of the testing network Gladios, the 197-day Gladios test has come to a successful conclusion.

The perfect ending of Gladios's test

On November 30, 2021, Ares Protocol started the first phase of the testing network Gladios, opening node deployment to the outside world. Once, the Ares Protocol global community responded positively.

In a blink of an eye, the testing network Gladios has completed three rounds of node testing. During the 197-day running, the cumulative number of blocks produced exceeded 500,000. The Gladios test officially ended in the early morning of June 15, 2022, Singapore time.

During the event, a total of 394 high-quality nodes were successfully connected following the operation guideline and maintained 24/7 operation and maintenance services. Nodes were distributed in 15 countries including China, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Brazil. The nodes participating in the test will receive a cumulative reward of 465,400 ARES.

Gladios function upgrade

The first stage of testing: Open the node deployment to the outside world, access the Polkadot Telemetry network, and generate the blocks successfully from nodes.

The second stage of testing: Apply quotation functions of access to data sources, running validator nodes.

The third stage of testing: Open the on-chain data request function, allowing users to obtain prices in real-time based on their needs; Replace the Aura consensus with the babe consensus, and add the validator online detection and punishment mechanism; Perform the quotation verification by the validators to reduce the on-chain quotation deviation.

The preparatory network of Ares mainnet is about to launch

With the end of the Gladios test, in order to ensure a smoother user experience, the Ares Protocol team decided to release a preparatory network with the exact 1:1 same function as the mainnet Odyssey before the mainnet was officially launched,

The focus of the development team has shifted to the main functions of the Ares Odyssey preparatory network. It is expected to be officially launched as a preparatory network for the mainnet in two weeks. It integrates the core functions of the mainnet: token pledge, decentralized oracle machine quotation function, data source retrieval function, etc., strive to create a completely real mainnet environment.

Ares Odyssey is also a real economic system. Participants can map ARES-ERC20 assets 1:1 into Odyssey for pledge, nomination or experience the on-chain data request function. The income obtained will also be mapped 1:1 into ARES-ERC20 assets and distributed to participants. At that time, you can choose the BSC address to withdraw the reward immediately or directly after the mainnet is launched!

Important Steps of Odyssey

Step 1: Users can map ARES-ERC20 assets 1:1 to the reserve network for pledge through the cross-chain bridge. At the same time, a nominee can pledge ARES-ERC20 assets for the node to obtain income. The pledge amount and the rewards are completely real, and there is currently no minimum amount for pledge.

Step 2: The old version of the node operation tutorial is invalid, and the node operation command needs to be updated. The updated node will display the latest block and real-time data.

Step 3: Fully support the quotation function of the decentralized oracle machine, including data source retrieval, real-time quotation, on-chain data request processing, etc. The third parties would be guided to access the Ares network and prepare for the official operation of the Ares main network.

A tutorial for accessing the Ares Odyssey prep network is expected to be released in two weeks. Please continue to follow Ares Protocol’s official social media platform, which will bring you first-hand project progress.

Mainnet is launched soon

The Odyssey mainnet preparatory network is expected to run continuously for a month. If the Ares Odyssey preparatory network runs stably, the main network Odyssey will officially start the operation phase two weeks after the end of its successful operation!

After the mainnet Odyssey is officially launched, it will bring more milestone development and empowerment to Ares Protocol:

1. After the mainnet Odyssey is officially launched, nodes will officially receive block rewards.

2. After the mainnet Odyssey was officially launched, the decentralized quotation function will be officially launched.

3. After the mainnet Odyssey is officially launched, the on-chain governance function will be enabled.

4. After the mainnet Odyssey is officially launched, the price prediction function will be enabled.

5. After the mainnet Odyssey is officially launched, the optimist challenge mode will be enabled.

6. After the main network Odyssey is officially launched, it will be upgraded on the chain and connected to the Polkadot heterogeneous parallel chain.

*The above is an estimated time and may change with the progress of research and development.

Ares Protocol is becoming “a new generation of cross-chain oracle service protocol that truly realizes verification on the data chain” step by step!

Ares Protocol, the decentralized cross-chain Oracle service in Polkadot ecosystem

Ares Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain oracle platform that introduces a truly new generation of cross-chain oracle service protocols with on-chain data verification and is the first to open a compensation channel for data users in case they suffer business losses due to the use of data provided by the oracle.

Ares Protocol is an oracle solution with security using VRF, developed on the Substrate framework, and it supports hybrid Babe and off-chain workers. It integrates Polkadot’s latest on-chain governance, brings the Optimistic Rollup challenge model into the oracle field, supports the Ink contract ecosystem, and brings better oracle services to DeFi Developers.

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