Gladios Upgraded Node Commands and Added Online Identification, Penalty Mechanisms for Validators

Ares Protocol
5 min readMar 3, 2022


Dear Aresians, the expected third phase of node deployment is around the corner, so in this regard, here we prepared an article for certain issues to help deployers.

In the second phase of node running, many validators haven’t kept running the node which resulted in data error on-chain. In regard to 1:1 simulation between gladius testnet and mainnet, the tech supports upgraded the version of testnet. The gladios has been upgraded to 0.9.15 version and based on this change, the team configured imonline session keys into settings. A certain part of validators has been removed due to their excessive amount offline status, they could apply to be validators again following the tutorials and reset session key. The upgraded version can online verify the validator node’s online status, impose a penalty mechanism to ensure the quality of the Gladios nodes.

In the third phase of node deployment, the Aura consensus is not available anymore, despite there being a new integrated babe consensus that allows randomness of block producer and subsequently ensures the unpredictability of the next validator who involves in block production to hinder the malicious price quotation attack. This is a remarkable leap in project development. In this regard, ensuring the running of quality nodes and excluding the excessive offline nodes are essential.

Now the upgrades for node commands are being implemented, the nodes which upgraded their commands will continue to perform block production and live data extraction. The nodes which haven’t been upgraded will not be on the list of validators, and will not be able to produce blocks and renovate data.

Upgrade for Node Commands

Method A: download node execution program

If you were using node program, please refer to below command upgrade

1. Executable gladios-node binary file

wget -c

2. Add execution rights

chmod +777  gladios-node-linux-amd64-1.2.1-ba392b0

3. Execute the node

./gladios-node-linux-amd64-1.2.1-ba392b0 --base-path data --name Ares_Emily0626_0xA86ed7899330DF48316E2A2842D5aD13F031Ab11 --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0' --warehouse  --validator
  • Please use the previously appointed base-path catalog
  • Please fill in your-name in the format of Ares_TelegramUsername_bsc address; such as:name Ares_Emily0626(username in telegram group for node miners)_0xA86ed7899330DF48316E2A2842D5aD13F031Ab11(BSC address)
  • — warehouse parameters (compulsory):indicates the Ip address appointed to ares price quotation server
  • — validator parameters(compulsory):indicates launching a validator node

4. Set up Session Keys


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "author_rotateKeys", "params":[]}' http://localhost:9933



* 「result」is your「rotateKeys」, please store them to apply in「session key」.

Enter the staking page and click the Account actions labeled page; Select the account you need to access, click Change session keys, input pasted result「rotateKeys」, and click the Set Session Key button to confirm your submission.

Method B:Run docker node program
1.Halt docker previous program and data

docker stop ares_gladios && docker cp ares_gladios:/root/.local/share/gladios-node ./ares-chain-data

2. Remove docker previous program

docker rm ares_gladios && docker rmi aresprotocollab/ares_gladios:latest

3. Run new node program via docker

docker run -d --name ares_gladios -p 9944:9944 -v `pwd`/ares-chain-data:/data aresprotocollab/ares_gladios:latest gladios-node --name your-name --chain gladios --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0' --warehouse  --validator
  • If you are using docker, you need to transfer the data. If node launching started the synchronization of the data from 0, implies the the data transferring is failed, you need to check whether the first step is processed successfully or not.
  • Please fill in your-name in the format of Ares_TelegramUsername_bsc address. Such as:name Ares_Emily0626(username in telegram group of node miners)_0xA86ed7899330DF48316E2A2842D5aD13F031Ab11(BSC address)
  • — warehouse parameters(compulsory): indicates the IP address of the ares price quotation server
  • — validator parameters(compulsory) : indicates the launching of a validator node
  • -p: indicates docker port forwarding
  • -v: indicates docker storage forwarding

4. Review running record of the program

docker logs -f ares_gladios  -n 1000

5. Set up Session Keys


docker exec -it ares_gladios bash -c "apt update && apt install -y curl && curl -X POST http://localhost:9933 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"id\":1, \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"method\": \"author_rotateKeys\"}'"



* 「result」is your「rotateKeys」,please save them to apply while setting up「session key」.

Enter the staking page and click the account actions labeled page; choose the account which you need to access, click Change session keys, input pasted result「rotateKeys」, and click Set Session Key button to confirm submission.

This is the end of the article. Thanks for reading, stay tuned, bye.

Ares Protocol-decentralised cross-chain oracle platform in Polkadot ecosystem

Ares Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain Oracle that truly implements a new generation of cross-chain Oracle service protocol for data on-chain verification, and is the first to open a compensation channel for data users who suffer business losses from using Oracle data.
Ares Protocol is a stochastic secure Oracle solution developed based on the Substrate framework, supporting hybrid Babe and off-chain workhorses, incorporating Polkadot’s latest on-chain governance, bringing the Optimistic Rollup challenge model into the Oracle space, supporting the Ink contract ecosystem, and bringing better quality Oracle services to Defi developers.

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Ares Protocol

Written by Ares Protocol

The first chain-verified decentralised cross-chain oracle service protocol, please visit this link

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