Monthly Report(4.17–5.17)

Ares Protocol
3 min readJul 5, 2021

Hi Aresians,
Thanks for all of your support and attention. From this month, ARES will release monthly reports.

Technology/product progress
April 17th: Ares Protocol released three rounds of whitelisting rules.

1. 15th-18th (10:00 pm UTC): The first round will be the community whitelist lottery for Poolz, which is reserved for our early community members and will be drawn from the members of our social media groups.

2. 17th–21th: The second round is Duckstarter community whitelist lottery, both early members and new members of Ares Protocol participated.

3. 19th–24th: The third round-Duckstarter and Poolz regular whitelist IDO .

April 19th: launched the Startup project Ares Protocol.

April 24th: MXC announced the announcement of Ares Protocol’s heavy landing on the 27th issue of M-day.
April 26th: ARES has been listed on 4 platforms(IDO: Poolz&DuckDao IEO: Gate & MXC).

April 27th-29th: The Balancer LBP has been opened for 64 hours.

April 29th: Uniswap V2 has been launched
April 30th: Ares Protocol has been launched on five exchanges (, HOTBIT, MXC,
BitMart, BKEX) at the same time, starting a new journey!
May 10th: Ares Iliad Staking was officially released on the Ropsten testnet.
May 13th: Ares Protocol Trojan pledged mining was officially launched.

May 15th: Ares Protocol has registered Kusama Parachain ID 2008, and Crowdloans reward rules will be announced soon.
May 16th: Airdrop for LBP has been distributed.
May 17th: Ares Staking is going on. The current annualized rate is 47%, with 16.04 million pledged tokens.

Community/Activity Progress

April 10th: participated in the Polkadot Club activities and delivered a keynote speech.

April 11th: the live broadcast cooperation with Tokenhunter was launched.

April 13th: Ares joined Polkadot Defi Alliance. Will continue to serve Defi in the Polkadot ecosystem.

April 18th: the Monster Community released a WeChat article: Ares Protocol — The leader of the Polkadot oracle track.

Ares will provide data quotation services for lending, stablecoins, and Dex in Polkadot, and provide random numbers and reliable off-chain data for NFTs, games, and DAOs. Ares is actively involved in the Rococo test and is currently the only oracle project involved in the test.
April 20th: Joined a live chat “Chinese million currency people”: how much do you know about Polkadot ecology, face-to-face with Polkadot’s top projects.

April 22th: the winners of the white list were released.
April 24th: released the introduction of Poolz IDO whitelist application process
May 1st: ARES has been enrolled in Coingecko and Coinmarketcap.

May 2st: all rewards for participating in events have been distributed.
May 2st: the number of currency holding addresses has increased to 4,532, and the number of transactions on the chain has reached 8,757, which is a solid signal towards decentralization.
May 5th: Ares’s icon in Uniswap has been added.
May 7th: Ares Protocol has supported most mainstream wallets: TP, Imtoken Metamask, Trust wallet.

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Ares Protocol

The first chain-verified decentralised cross-chain oracle service protocol, please visit this link