Public Deployment of Gladios-Testnet Nodes (Second Phase/first part)

Ares Protocol
6 min readJan 10, 2022


Dear Aresians, test network Gladios node deployment( second phase) will be open for the public this week. This testing phase includes claiming test coins, deploying nodes, extracting data sources, running validator nodes etc. processes.


Participants would be given a certain period to accomplish all the processes. While you successfully deploy validator nodes and run for 24 hours, you will be entitled to the second phase reward.

Reward Rules

In the given time, we would make statistics about the running endurance of each node according to the background data. Nodes are required to be 24 hours operated. Node running is only supported by cloud servers so far.
The statistic will be published at a particular time. Validator node rewards will last for successive ten days( two weeks), 200ARES/per day will be rewarded per node. Specific punishments pertained for connection failure due to electricity disconnection or malpractice.

Task 1:Deploy nodes (reward:100 ARES/perday reward)
Task 2:Deploy nodes+be a candıdate for valıdator nodes(reward:200 ARES/perday )

Please ensure that you are in our telegram node mining group (Ares Protocol Node Miner) for easier access to inform you about the reward distribution and related node operating information.

Telegram Group for Node Miners:

So far, Gladios test coins claiming passage is opened for the public. You could follow the below steps to reach out to @AresProtocolBot in telegram to claim 1000 ARES/per day test coins. (The release of test coins is only used for testing operation on the Gladios test network and has no actual token value.) This will help your nodes to stake and produce blocks on Gladios.

Create Account

Method A: Log in Polkadot{.Js} Wallet

1. Enter the page and open Polkadot{.Js} wallet; add an extension to Chrome or Firefox.

2. After adding Polkadot{.Js} extention program, click [ + ], to add your account.

3. Select [ Allow use on any chain ], type your account name and password. Click [ Add the account with the generated seed ]

4. Please be noted to choose [ Allow use on any chain ], to ensure your operation will be proceeding normally in Gladios.

5. Open the test network Gladios:
allow Polkadot{.Js} to access.

6. Click [ accounts ] and choose [ accounts ] in the drop-down list.

7. In [ my accounts ], your account in Polkadot{.Js} will be automatically recognised.

Method B: Create Ares Account

1. Enter the below page, visit to access in Ares APPS, click [accounts] in the top part of the window, click [Add accounts].

2. Ensure to save your mnemonic seed safely, and then click the √ [have saved my mnemonic seed safely].

3. Input your account name and password, and click [Next]

4. Click [save]; this account will be backed up by default in your device. Please guarantee your backup files’ safety.

5. In [My accounts], you will be shown accounts that you created.

Claim Test Coins

  1. Click account profile pic, you will paste your Gladios account address

2. Open, to enter the chat window

3. Type /drip you pasted Gladios account address(make sure the blank between drip and address)
For example:
/drip 4PsBNvqF1vwEMhj34TtFSqx6Zq4dS5rEjok1dNp14rF33REg

4. Return to Gladios user interface; you will see your claimed 1000 ARES test coins. ( Note: per telegram account, per Gladios account address only can claim one time/per day )

Set Online Identity

Suppose you want to become a validator node or to experience on-chain identity. In that case, you could set your on-chain identity on Gladios, fill out your Telegram name and Twitter name to ensure we could access to check your operating status or distribute relevant rewards.

1. Log in Gladios, click [Accounts] in the top table, click[My accounts], as in the photo below, choose [set on-chain identity]

2. Put your telegram name in [ledge name], put twitter name in [Twitter name], and click [set identity]

3. Confirm the trade and click [Sign and submit] (This will charge you certain test coins, please ensure 1000 or above test coins in your account address)

4. After the trade completion, it will notify you that your identity has been set.

5. Enter AresScan (, click [account], choose[identity].

6. Click your name and click the [details] option

7. Check if your [Telegram Username] and [Twitter name] are correct. The community administrator will contact you soon to ask for your BSC address. You will get a reward for the second phase.

This is the end of the first part, thanks for reading. Specification on “Acquiring data sources’’ will be manifested in the next article “Public deployment of Gladios — test network nodes (second phase/second part). ”

Ares Protocol-decentralised cross-chain oracle platform in Polkadot ecosystem.

Ares Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain Oracle that truly implements a new generation of cross-chain Oracle service protocol for data on-chain verification, and is the first to open a compensation channel for data users who suffer business losses from using Oracle data.

Ares Protocol is a stochastic secure Oracle solution developed based on the Substrate framework, supporting hybrid Babe and off-chain workhorses, incorporating Polkadot’s latest on-chain governance, bringing the Optimistic Rollup challenge model into the Oracle space, supporting the Ink contract ecosystem, and bringing better quality Oracle services to Defi developers.

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Ares Protocol
Ares Protocol

Written by Ares Protocol

The first chain-verified decentralised cross-chain oracle service protocol, please visit this link

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