Relevant Solutions for Building Nodes in Gladios Testnet

Ares Protocol
5 min readJan 19, 2022


Relevant solutions for building nodes in gladios testnet

Since the second round of test net nodes deployment has been available for public, so far there are 20+ nodes have been successully become validators.

Meanwhile, we have received several reports from the participants that they have failed to extract the data sources and failed to set the session keys which subsequently resulted in the failing of becoming a validator and keep staying in the waiting line. Here, we simplified the two ways to run the node, they are Docker or CLI. Also there are some little tips about how to set the session keys and check out your configuration status.

Method A :Use Docker

1.Run Node Services by Docker

docker run -d --name ares_gladios aresprotocollab/ares_gladios:latest gladios-node --name Ares_amor_4UaAfJ7EX9UsCtnUkVsbAqshH3EDN4h6Co7t8P5jPRTvLjqh --chain gladios --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0'  --warehouse  --validator

Write your name in a format of (Ares_TelegramUsername_bsc). Please fill out with validity, to ensure the counting of rewards and distribution.

for wxample:Ares_amor(username in telegram node miner group)_4UaAfJ7EX9UsCtnUkVsbAqshH3EDN4h6Co7t8P5jPRTvLjqh(BSC address)

2.Set Session Keys in Docker

docker exec -it ares_gladios bash -c "apt update && apt install -y curl && curl -X POST http://localhost:9933 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"id\":1, \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"method\": \"author_rotateKeys\"}'"

The result will be put in the session keys in Gladios testnet.

3. Check out Session keys local exist or not by docker

find the trade that you need to set session keys on aresscan

session is comprised by aura,grandpa,ares 3 kinds of keys


grandpa and ares need to delete the 0x in the front, that would be


docker exec -it ares_gladios bash -c "apt update && apt install -y curl && curl -X POST http://localhost:9933 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"id\":1, \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"method\": \"author_hasSessionKeys\", \"params\": [\"0x88f2c7b89e7dd7fa6fe29569c320a4fefc0ccc7abf630b24b133be80ae37a31f667c44c75e42497e9a61752d9ec1c4277fcce68fb4336da37d9bb88c44a0629550032c6fc2fde02d4374822c9b01e99af7b7891aaddcbd2bc895fb223305b725\"]}'"

The searching result below , means the configuration is correct


4.Check out the data sources configuration status by docker

docker exec -it ares_gladios bash -c "apt update && apt install -y curl && curl -X POST http://localhost:9933 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"id\":1, \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"method\": \"offchain_localStorageGet\", \"params\": [\"PERSISTENT\",\"0x6172652d6f63773a3a70726963655f726571756573745f646f6d61696e\"]}'"


If the result is:0x68687474703a2f2f6170692e6172657370726f746f636f6c2e696f

then it’s the official data source run successfully.(if you used self built data source the result will be similiar, will not be null)

If the reslt is: null
The data sources for price quotation is blank, please verify the operation process and make adjustment

Method B: Use CLI

Run Node Program by CLI
1.Executable gladios-node binary file

wget -c

2. Add execution permit

chmod +777  gladios-node-linux-amd64-1.1.2-39df776

3. Execute node

./gladios-node-linux-amd64-1.1.2-39df776 --base-path data --name Ares_amor_4UaAfJ7EX9UsCtnUkVsbAqshH3EDN4h6Co7t8P5jPRTvLjqh --chain gladios --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0' --warehouse  --validator

Write your name in a format of (Ares_TelegramUsername_bsc). Please fill out with validity, to ensure the counting of rewards and distribution.

for wxample:Ares_amor(username in telegram node miner group)_4UaAfJ7EX9UsCtnUkVsbAqshH3EDN4h6Co7t8P5jPRTvLjqh(BSC address)

4.Set session keys by CLI

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "author_rotateKeys", "params":[]}' http://localhost:9933

Use the final result to set the session keys in gladios

5. Check out Session key local exist or not by CLI

find the trade that you need to set session key on aresscan

session is comprised by aura,grandpa,ares 3 kinds of keys


grandpa and ares need to delete the 0x in the front, that would be


curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“id”:1, “jsonrpc”:”2.0", “method”: “author_hasSessionKeys”, “params”:[“0x88f2c7b89e7dd7fa6fe29569c320a4fefc0ccc7abf630b24b133be80ae37a31f667c44c75e42497e9a61752d9ec1c4277fcce68fb4336da37d9bb88c44a0629550032c6fc2fde02d4374822c9b01e99af7b7891aaddcbd2bc895fb223305b725”]}’ http://localhost:9933

The searching result below , means the configuration is correct


6.Check out the data sources configuration status by CLI

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "offchain_localStorageGet", "params":["PERSISTENT","0x6172652d6f63773a3a70726963655f726571756573745f646f6d61696e"]}' http://localhost:9933


If the result is:0x68687474703a2f2f6170692e6172657370726f746f636f6c2e696f

then it’s the official data source run successfully.(if you used self built data source the result will be similiar, will not be null)

If the reslt is: null
The data sources for price quotation is blank, please verify the operation process and make adjustment。


Q: If I joined to be a candidate for validator nodes, how long I should be in the wait list?


  • Normally it’s 1–2 era , equal to 1–2 hours, if your configuration does not have probnlem you could also become a validator node.
  • If the Validators limit is already filled (for example,24/24), then the tech. committe will lift the limit.(for example, lift it till 26).
  • Other reasons, it might be your computer capacity is not met by the requirement for running a node.

Q: Why my node tend to be offline?

A: While you are operating without cloud server, it will be easily offline in your computer’s sleeping mode. If you are operating with cloud server, it’s better to set a screen session and run the program in the background, this will help to prevent from being offline.

Ares Protocol-decentralised cross-chain oracle platform in Polkadot ecosystem

Ares Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain Oracle that truly implements a new generation of cross-chain Oracle service protocol for data on-chain verification, and is the first to open a compensation channel for data users who suffer business losses from using Oracle data.
Ares Protocol is a stochastic secure Oracle solution developed based on the Substrate framework, supporting hybrid Babe and off-chain workhorses, incorporating Polkadot’s latest on-chain governance, bringing the Optimistic Rollup challenge model into the Oracle space, supporting the Ink contract ecosystem, and bringing better quality Oracle services to Defi developers.

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