The First-Ever Public Test Network of Ares Protocol, Gladios, is Now Launched and Recruiting Quotation Nodes for Trial

Ares Protocol
5 min readOct 29, 2021


Ares Protocol’s first-ever test network gladios version 1.01 is officially launched. Currently, the test network is running normally, supporting 77 kinds of asset quotations. You could reach out to this website for the newly updated block information.

We publicly recruit Ares Protocol Oracle quotation nodes, any possible candidates are welcome to join us! Being chosen for the test network quotation node means you will be highly recommended to be a prior node in the main network stage. You would be the first ones to acquire data processing fee with extra Ares Tokens.

What is the Ares Test Network?

Test network serves as a pre-test version for the project, this is a phase that will process to optimize the products and technics.

In this phase, the project’s community members and supporters will participate in the validation, mining and etc. process, which enables them to report the inefficiencies. The party of the project will remain improving the errors to ensure the implementation of the main network.

The Function of the Current Test Network

Price Quotation(node)

It will Aggregate data from multiple data resources, and submit to the Ares blockchain. Data resources will save and aggregate price data from multiple exchanges, numerous acquisitions of price from multiple exchanges could be achieved in a single attempt, and it can it can set weight of the trade prices while they are being calculated into mean value. When the node logs in and produces blocks, it will assess if the block producer is normal, the price is not allowed to submit if abnormal.

Under the aura consensus, as blocks are produced in sequence, if the system is aware of the last producer and current producer are the same verification node, then the system will produce a leaping block, which transfer the price quotation right to to the next block verifier, to avoid successive price quotation by the same verifier.


The price will be entered and saved in the “Ares Price pool” after the submission, While the price pool is reached a certain depth limit, it will start to output the average price and be saved in the price pool “AresAvgPrice”.

The submitted price will go through the deviation check, if the deviation exceeds a certain limit, then the value will be not included in the average price calculation. Moreover, it will be put into the deviation category and it will be shown in the challenger zone by the deviant price data list.


Holders of Ares test network tokens can make token transfers on the test network Gladios.

On-Chain Governance

You could submit proposals on-chain, apply for the Treasury, stand for parliamentary elections, etc. Various on-chain governance is open for access, you could deeply involve in the development of Ares.

The Condition for Becoming the Quotation Node

Hardware Environment

The server must be configured with 4–8 core CPU, 8 GB memory (or a minimum of 4 GB memory), and 100 GB storage. You may choose to use the public data source, or you may establish a data source on your own.

The quotation node can configure the data source access the IP address with startup command. For a full tutorial, see *Ares Gladios 1.01 Test Network Node Manual*, which will be released in early November.

Operation Requirements

The one who masters certain level of operation skill and management ability, with basic computer experience, being familiar with blockchain node operation is preferred. In the meantime, we welcome those who are diligent in testing and willing to share with us to join our test network communication group. Moreover, we will be glad to see those enthusiasts contribute their schemes and share their thoughts with Ares members.

The Early-Stage Rewards for Price Quotation Nodes

Price quotation miners: 20 persons

Rewards: No less than 400,000 Ares Tokens

We will reward the relevant amount of Ares Tokens to the test network nodes based on the block producing frequency, available price quotation ratio, total price quotation amount. Machines that are officially connected to the price quotation node will have the opportunity to get a block producing bonus. At the same time, early participation in Ares nodes will lead to the opportunity of participating in parliamentary elections, reputation committees.

If you are interested, you can leave your hardware configuration, node operation experience and your contact information, send to [], or contact the community administrator. Looking forward to your joining!

Ares Protocol

Ares Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain oracle platform, which truly implements a new generation of cross-chain oracle service protocol for on-chain data validation, and is the first to open up a compensation channel for data users when they suffer business losses due to the use of oracle data.

Ares Protocol is developed based on the Substrate framework, is a random security oracle solution that supports hybrid Babe and off-chain workers. It integrates Polkadot’s latest on-chain governance, brings the Optimistic Rollup challenge model into the oracle field, supports the Ink contract ecosystem, and brings DeFi developers better oracle services.

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Ares Protocol

The first chain-verified decentralised cross-chain oracle service protocol, please visit this link