Weekly Report|Ares Protocol upgraded the Mars version to polkadot-v0.9.9

Dear Aresians:
Welcome to Ares Protocol-Oracle of Polkadot ecosystem weekly update. This week the support team has made upgradation works on website and technical frames. The new official website will be issued soon for you.
Here, we are going to share you every bit of Ares.
Development process
1. Upgraded the parachain version to Polkadot-V0.9.9, which is more stable than the master reference currently used on Mars.
2. The offchain worker module is not enabled by default parachain. Set offchain_worker.enabled to start the module for running the quotation program.
3. Chain_spec setting in parachain Live mode, AMAS token unit related definition file added.
4, Add Aura mode Validators data quote.
6, design price request and data withdrawal specifications were regulated, each parachain calls the price according to Mars Pallet index and Method pallet index.
7. Cumulus 0.9.8 and 0.9.9 test prices were successfully adopted
The new website
1. The official website template has been basically realized and adapted to 1280 and 1920 versions.
2. Updated the official website’s member list
3. Updated the data model and economic model in the official website
Market and community
Ares each step for win, awarded quizzes
The activity for Chinese community has been conducted almost ten days. Each quiz was packed with 20 Ares, the most correct respondent will be awarded extra 3000 Ares. This time of activity was planned to halt in the mid of the September, awards and redemption of Ares will be calculated in the end .
So far, we have 118 Aresians have been awarded by our quiz awards. Given the last week’s statistics , till the 23:59 of last Friday, the utmost award has surpassed 660$Ares. We sincerely welcome all new or old members; we claim learn to earn!
The community members are escalating

So far, the project’s twitter account has reached 5283 followers, WeChat blog has 1096 followers. The new increased community members are 700+ in total. This week, the Italian community performed excellent, thanks to the community manager David Tori.
Ares’s brand has been upgrading
Currently the project has been upgrading new website. We have added related specification on Mars, the canary network of Ares Protocol. The new website included crowdloan function, which will bring Aresians convenience to support our MARS’s slot auction on KSM. At the same time, the new website has upgraded project’s video introduction, member list etc. contents. Subscription click, timely price updates are also included. With comparison to former website, it’s more sociable, beatified, useful and convenient.
Ares stake mining is proceeding

This week, 60days of regular products have gained 16,032,937 Ares, which is equal with last week. 120days of regular products have gained 6,868,671 Ares, equal to last week. 180days of regular products have gained 6008,302 Ares, increased 220thousands than last week. The current stake volume is also stable at 37,629,796 Ares. In general , the community holds a good prospective on Ares.
This is the end of our Weekly Update, stay tuned, see you next week!
🌐 Ares Protocol Social Media
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgwY4NwkoP8Hx1Fqmp_rJUw