Weekly Update| Ares Chain Penalty Functions and Grandpa Voting Systems are in Pilot Test

Dear Aresians, welcome to the weekly update of Ares Protocol, a decentralized cross-chain oracle platform based on substrate and powered by the Polkadot ecosystem.
This week, the team issued the Trojan Box beta version and recruited 50 intelligent, self-challenging participants to join in the beta version to examine the deficiencies and submit feedback. The drafting is still proceeding, do not forget to register and join in; the first 50 applicants will be qualified for the beta version; the deadline is on 25th March, 10:00 AM UTC time.
Here we share every bit of Ares.
Development Progress
- Test Substrate may generate penalty-related logic, including related trigger conditions and implementation logic relationships.
- Test the parallel chain CollatorSelection implementation logic and how to use it, including collector add logic and SessionManage related invocation logic, as well as the reward mechanism.
- Fixed ambiguous correlation implementation logic under Babe, Grandpa consensus.
- The tests simulate the Grandpa ballot-related logic and processing flow.
- Analyze the reason for block hash changes during block generation and the extrinsics_root and state_root generation logic in the header
- New API: Query the current Validator to be audited
- The Validator Dashboard page and The Validator details page were added
•Modify the Layout and Data display of the Data Request Dashboard and details page
Trojan Box UI
- The list is changed to read from the database
- Added whitelist add and query API
- Shorten the address in broadcast and optimize the index of the database
- Disable Swagger and enable text logging in the Release version
- Fixed an issue where notification messages were not displayed
- Mailer added interfaces for creating database tables and downloading recommender information
- Mars page to download recommender information and create database tables
- Mailer deploys servers/backs up databases and tests online
- Add and adjust Telegram community list
- Spanish and Arabic have been added to the official website
Market & Community

Beta Version in Trojan Box
On 18th March, the project has published Trojan Box and its rewarding policies. The activity has a substantial impact on the community, the member who owns more than 10,000ARES can directly join the Game.
Game Rewards

Sidenote: rewards ≥ 100 ARES can be swapped to the wallet. The withdrawal and gaming don’t involve any Gas fee.
Deadline for application: 25th March 10:0 am (UTC time). The Whitelist will be posted on official Twitter and Medium after the deadline.
If you are interested, please feel free to join in the telegram group for members who are interested in Whitelist: https://t.me/ARESTROJANBOXTEST
Spanish Community
From 2nd to 16th March, the Spanish community has welcomed new activities. So far, the activities have been already conducted, and gifted are well distributed to the participants.
Website Update

The official site has added new language settings, including Arabic, Ukrainian, French, and Turkish. Meanwhile, from now on, the whitepaper is also available in those languages.
The Spiraling Social Media

The official Twitter has subscribers in total 31.4k, 1.1k followers have followed the WeChat blog. The medium fan base has been collected, 2.5k members. The community is having a new round of activities; the total members reach admin already have been exceeded 56.3k.
The communities are expanding their fan base passionately, welcome French admin @Faustine and Turkish admin @Ali.
The Slot Auction is Proceeding
The Canary network of Kusama has been participating in the 30th of slot auctions; the sequence number is 2008, we wish we could succeed. You could click here to know the Mars slot auction strategy and crowd loan. Meanwhile, Mars opened the “Join the Crowd loan” channel; users may turn to the page for easier access to the slot auction.
Trojan & Iliad Slot Auction
Ares Trojan stake mining, based on the Ethereum network, is proceeding. This week, 60 days of regular products have gained 16, 615, 164 ARES; 120 days of regular products have gained 7,337,309 ARES, which is increased 37,823 ARES than last week. 180 days of regular products have gained 17, 737, 547 ARES, APY is stable at , 596 ARES than before. The current stake volume is stable at 26%.

The current stake volume of ARES this week is 3,363,862 ARES, the APY is 40%. 60 days of regular products are stable at 2,346,948 ARES; 120 days of regular products have gained 1, 343, 311 ARES, Which is increased 177, 748 ARES stake volume. 180 days of regular products have gained 19,837,705 ARES stake volume and increased 88, 581 ARES than the previous week.

This is the end of the weekly update, thanks for reading, stay tuned, bye.

Ares Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain Oracle that truly implements a new generation of cross-chain Oracle service protocol for data on-chain verification, and is the first to open a compensation channel for data users who suffer business losses from using Oracle data.
Ares Protocol is a stochastic secure Oracle solution developed based on the Substrate framework, supporting hybrid Babe and off-chain workhorses, incorporating Polkadot’s latest on-chain governance, bringing the Optimistic Rollup challenge model into the Oracle space, supporting the Ink contract ecosystem, and bringing better quality Oracle services to Defi developers.
🌐 Ares Protocol Social Media
Telegram Group: https://t.me/aresprotocollab
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/AresProtocolAnnouncements
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AresProtocolLab
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aresprotocollab
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aresprotocollab/
Medium: https://aresprotocollab.medium.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/cqduK4ZNaY
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AresProtocolLabs/
Email: info@aresprotocol.io
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgwY4NwkoP8Hx1Fqmp_rJUw
Telegram Groups
Spanish: https://t.me/aresprotocol_spanish
Ukrainian: https://t.me/AresProtocol_UkrainianCommunity
Chinese: https://t.me/AresprotocolChina
Russian: https://t.me/AresProtocol_RussianCommunity
Japanese: https://t.me/AresProtocol_JapaneseCommunity
Korean: https://t.me/AresProtocol_KoreanGroup
Hindu: https://t.me/AresProtocol_HindiCommunity
French: https://t.me/AresProtocolFrenchCommunity
Arabic: https://t.me/AresProtocolArabic_Community
Turkish: https://t.me/AresProtocol_TurkishCommunity
Portugese: https://t.me/AresProtocol_PortugueseCommunity