Weekly update | Ares Protocol improved the framework of on-chain governance

Ares Protocol
3 min readSep 15, 2021


Dear Aresians:

Welcome to Ares Protocol-Oracle of Polkadot ecosystem weekly update. This week, the support team is continuing on new website development, which is under testing phase. Ares listed by Gate.io into new version of liquidity mining pool. Ares also launched USDT, ETH trading pool, which enhanced the project’s liquidity.

Here, we are going to share every bit of Ares.

Developing process


  • Parachain added governance related pallet, including Democracy, Council, Technical Committee for improving the governance structure on chain, which is the preparation for launching of testnet.
  • Parachain added instrumental pallets, including utility, multisig, vesting, proxy, scheduler, and Provided unlocking of locked warehouse, batch transfer, multi-sign, regular call and other functions
  • Newly added bounty and reward pallets, including treasures, bounties, Lottery, and rewards for good proposals.


  • Added an externally definable function for the depth of the quote buffer pool.
  • Added storage function for the average number of quotation pools.
  • Added definable parameters for the number of price transaction requests sent each time.
  • Added external definable parameters for whether to perform validator checks.

Market & community

Ares each step for win, awarded quiz

The Chinese community’s new season event “Ares each step for win, awarded quiz” has been in full swing for half a month. Each question will be rewarded with 20 Ares, and those who had the most number of correct answers will have a chance to receive an additional reward of 3000 $Ares.

So far, 140 Aresians have received our quiz rewards, with a cumulative reward of 22260 $ARES. According to the weekly ranking statistics, till the last Friday 23:59, the highest reward has reached 1060 $ARES. This event will end this Friday (17th of September), and the $ARES rewards will be calculated and redeemed at the end of the season. This season has entered the final, and hope that all new and old members will passionately engage in!

Chinese Telegram community was created

Currently the subscribers of twitter made up for 5009 members, wechat blog members have reached 1097members. The community members are stable at 14426 numbers. Now you could join in Ares Chinese telegram group, and browse the contents about Ares. The membership is not limited, you could able to chat freely with more Aresians. Afterwards, the Telegram Chinese community will also bring special activities and awards for members in the group, looking forward for you to join us.

Welcome to join Chinese telegram group https://t.me/AresprotocolChina

Download URL of Telegram http://telegram.org/ Discreet browsing is the must.

Ares stake mining is proceeding

Ares Trojan stake mining is proceeding. This week, 60days of products have gained16,407,715 $Ares, with comparison to the last week has increased 370k stake volume. 120days of regular product has gained 6,868,671 $Ares, equal to last week. 180days of product has gained 6008,302 $Ares, equal to last week. The current stake volume is stable at 37,248,450 $Ares.

Gate.io listed Ares into new version of liquidity mining pool

This week, Ares was listed by Gate.io into new version of liquidity mining pool. Ares officially launched USDT, ETH trading pool while starting a new version of liquidity mining reward (AMM mode). APY could reach 894.88% at maximum. For detailed information please click here.

Welcome to join liquidity mining

Benefit from Ares: http://telegram.org/

Till the issuance of article, total volume is 35568.9717 USDT. Currently 100% of fee is given to the liquidity provider(LP), at the same time limited time of $GT awarded pool is available for you to benefit from it. Let’s join and benefit from Ares by providing liquidity.

This is the end of the article, thanks for reading, see you next week.

🌐 Ares Protocol Social Media
Telegram Group: https://t.me/aresprotocollab
Telegram Channel:



Ares Protocol

The first chain-verified decentralised cross-chain oracle service protocol, please visit this link www.aresprotocol.io.