Weekly Update | Ocw-suit update, old-block attack issues fixed

Ares Protocol
5 min readMay 18, 2022


Dear Aresians, here we are!

This week, Ukraine community orientation activity officials came to an end. A total of 120 USDT worth of rewards were awarded to 40 users. The Japanese community clocking activity continued; the highest score reached 970 points.

The technical team is fully engaged in security debugging for the next round of node testing. Ares Chain updates OCW-suit/ARES-Oracle to fix an old-block attack that checks the identity of people submitting a trade when anonymous transactions are submitted. We are also dealing with problems with block Reorg multiple submissions in Babe mode off chain-work, etc.

Here, we’ll keep you updated on everything about Ares!

Development Progress of this Week

Ares Chain

1. Add Makefiles and support different feature compilations

2. Deploy a new Babe consensus-based test network

3. Pallet_challenge added MinimumThreshold module and optimized part of the command. Rs code

4. Complete the documentation of the ares-RPC module

5. Update OCW-suit/ares-Oracle, fix old-block attack, check submitter’s identity when anonymous transaction is submitted. At present, verification of the last submitted block + submission interval is also needed to prevent malicious verifier from falsifying the submission by submitting the old block

6. Deal with the problem of blocking Reorg multiple submissions in Babe mode in off-chain work, verify in the transaction pool, eliminate the wrong submission information, and define a new interface IsAresOracleCall

7. Sort out files and codes related to OCW-Suite modules, including ARES-Oracle, Oracle-Finance, staking-suit, and Ares-Oracle-provider-support


1. Fix API error when getting a trade pair without an offer

2. Fix the problem of the inability to parse Babe Consensus Digest


1. Add RPC tool for quotation node

2. Add the acquire price and acquire trade pairs

Trojan Box Contract

1. Implement the method of playing the game and relevant restrictions

2. Add updated methods of modification constraints

3. Add block sweeping program and deal with stake and withdraw issues

4. Processing extraction reward requests

Trojan Box

1. Fix the loading error of admin Dashboard chart returning from other pages

2. Add the balance of the user account with the balance of playing games and sharing, and users need to withdraw the balance of playing games and sharing separately

3. Add particle background animation to all pages, and you can stake multiple times if the stake amount is not enough

4. Modify all Button styles, Win Now background styles and Games hero card styles on pages

5. Adapt the home page, win page and game page to the mobile version

6. Modify Buy Tickets to the new stake contract

7. Switch to the on-chain interface when playing games and users applying for cash withdrawal

Trojan Staking

1. Add new pool stake statistics to Eth & Bsc stake statistics

2. Add the reward verification function on the Eth & Bsc background management page

3. Fix the error message of extracting rewards after the 5-days interval

Market and Community This Week

Ukraine Community Newest Activities Introduction

From April 27 to April 30, Ukraine community held orientation activities with a total value of 120 USDT. At present, the event has officially come to an end. A total of 120 USDT prizes were awarded, and a total of 40 users received 3 USDT prizes. A total of 453 followers have been added to the community after this event.

Latest Activities in Japanese Community

The Japanese Community punch-in activity continues. You can participate in daily check-in and receive 5 ARES per day; You can also continue to be active in the community and get 50–100 ARES for the top three winners every week. Your reward is redeemable every time you reach 500 ARES.

At present, the Japanese community punch-in activity has been online for two months. The highest score is 970! Congratulations to the first 500 points winners @edsafaeds@saefdaeds, each receiving 500 ARES.

Social Media Continues to Grow

Currently, the project has 31.5K subscribers on Twitter, 1.1K subscribers on WeChat, and 2.5K followers on Medium. The community has carried out a new round of integration and activation, and the total number of people is now 81.2k, an increase of 5.3k from last week.

Trojan & Iliad Stake mining

Ares Trojan stake mining, which is based on the Ethereum network, is ongoing. This week, a total of 11,322,891 ARES was obtained for 60-day periodic products; 6,878,257 ARES for 120-day periodic products; 17,465,512 ARES for 180-days periodic products; 197,815 ARES for 360-day. Demand stake amount was also stable at 27,062,562 ARES with APY at 27%.

Ares Iliad demand stake for the week was 3,322,437 ARES with APY 37%. A total of 2,183,095 ARES was obtained for the 60-day term products; 120-day term products earned 1,953,626 ARES; 21,521,855 ARES for 180-days periodic products; The 360-day periodic product increased to 1,013,459 ARES stake amount.

That’s it for this week’s Weekly Update, and we’ll see you next week!

Ares Protocol, the decentralized cross-chain Oracle service in Polkadot ecosystem

Ares Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain oracle platform that introduces a truly new generation of cross-chain oracle service protocols with on-chain data verification and is the first to open a compensation channel for data users in case they suffer business losses due to the use of data provided by the oracle.

Ares Protocol is an oracle solution with security using VRF, developed on the Substrate framework, and it supports hybrid Babe and off-chain workers. It integrates Polkadot’s latest on-chain governance, brings the Optimistic Rollup challenge model into the oracle field, supports the Ink contract ecosystem, and brings better oracle services to DeFi Developers.

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Ares Protocol

The first chain-verified decentralised cross-chain oracle service protocol, please visit this link www.aresprotocol.io.