Weekly Update| Trojan& Iliad Regular Staking Products Completed A Full Upgrade

Ares Protocol
6 min readApr 19, 2022


At the moment, the transfer of the former pool has continued to take place. Up to now, Trojan and Iliad’s old regular staking products have terminated. Each language community disseminates the information, enabling members to withdraw their deposits and rewards as cited in the former update that the old pool APY will drop to an unprofitable 0.01%. Users should reach out to the newly launched page to claim rewards; however, the former staked transactions still require users to claim deposits on the old site.

Here, we share every bit of Ares.

Development Progress of the Week

Ares Chain

  • Upgrade THE Vec structure of OW-suit/ARES-Oracle to BoundedVec with updates above Polkadot-0.9.17.
  • Adjust and sort out the parameter differences between Gladios and Pioneer networks, and generate a comparison table for subsequent upgrades and adjustments.
  • Start the test https://js.aresprotocol.io/? based on Babe RPC = ws: / / is used for internal testing.
  • Fixed — spec_name does not match during dev startup.
  • Project side fixed invalid fast-Runtime compilation parameters.
  • Submit changes to HostKey functionality in ‘Validator Audit’ in the blockchain browser.
  • Optimize staking-extend, remove pallets -session modules, and reduce warnings during compilation
  • Staking is otherwise unacceptable in a test chain:

* The algorithm used for the election. If you vote for more than one Validator, the algorithm will try to group the other votes into a single Validator for chain-based storage and security reasons.

* When upgrading Polkadot0.9.15, after adding BagsList, no upgrade method is invoked manually, so BagsList initialization fails

Trojan Box

  • Introduce the configuration file to create chain-spec
  • Add lockup contracts and unit tests
  • Game background changed from query balance to query the locked contract
  • Added API to extract contract revenue
  • Add processing, query extraction contract revenue API

Trojan Box UI

  • Added pledge mode to Buy Tickets page
  • Trojan Box Admin page adds options to use ETH or BSC network transfer when handling user cash transfers
  • Modify the style problems reported on the home page of mobile version, Win Now and game page
  • Buy Tickets changed to use a pledge to determine whether the game can be played
  • Fixed Safari compatibility issue with animation rotation when playing games on the Games page

Trojan Staking Upgrade

  • BSC and ETH new pledge page modification
  • Eth added the message scroll bar at the top of the page
  • BSC & ETH added a bulletin center
  • BSC & ETH added the pledge extraction application page
  • BSC & ETH added admin page for handling pledge extraction
  • BSC and ETH interface for connecting to application submission and processing status query
  • BSC and ETH interconnects to query submission records and process transfers


  • Added the periodic scanning of the BSC network
  • Modified the processing logic to support both ETH and BSC scanning
  • Add records startTime and endTime when scanning
  • Added an API to get mortgage records
  • Market and Community of the Week

The New Pools of the Trojan & Iliad

Regarding the future blueprint of the Ares, it’s carrying out a complete upgrade on the Trojan& Iliad. Following the upgrade, new taking modes will appear on the new site, featured at 270 and 360 days with a higher APY. Tech support guys upgraded the staking contract to offer safer technological support. The Trojan Box integrates into the new staking sites with entertaining features and high returns.

What is the difference between new and old pools?

1. The regular products have upgraded, newly added 270 and 360 days, with adjusted APY.
2. The contract is upscaled with a new contract address.
3. We newly added {Restake} options; after the user completed staking time, you could retake the deposits.
4. The former pool continues to generate rewards in a post-staked state, but the new pool does not generate profits after the staking period; users should claim the rewards once they finish the staking.

Since this week, Trojan &Iliad regular pools have transferred to the new page. Up till now, Trojan & Iliad regular products have already shut down staking options. Each language community should actively guide the users who have finished their staking period to claim rewards and deposits before 15th April at 4 pm UTC. The old site faces subsequent change right after the date, with an APY of 0.01%. You could claim rewards on the new site and claim deposits from the old site.

The old site will be available for claiming deposits till all the users finish their terms. We highly recommend the users be aware of their staking dates, claim their deposits from the old pools, and withdraw their rewards on the new page. The latest upgrade needs support and investment from the users.

The Booming Social Media

We have accumulated 32.1k subscribers on Twitter and 1.1k followers on WeChat. The Medium followers have increased to a 2.5k fan base. The community moderators are passionate about supporting the community with easy access to the project. The overall community members made up 73.03k, which increased by 7.43k more than last week.

The Korean community has carried out an activity valued at 500 USDT from 12th April to 20th April. The winners will be 250, with a prize of 22 USDT at maximum.

The Japanese community still has been conducting the check-in activity featured as the community moderator’s membership follow-up. The biggest prize will go to the winners who ultimately reach 500 points. According to the Japanese community moderator, their group schedule has packed multiple slots for various activities.

Trojan & Iliad Stake Mining

Trojan stake mining, based on Ethereum network, is proceeding with its operation. This week, 60 days, regular products have gained 17,274, 733 ARES, with an increase of 659,569 ARES than last week. 120 days of regular products have accumulated 7,337,309 ARES, which did not change since last week. The 180 days of regular products have mounted to 19,152,614 ARES, with a gain of 1,415,812 ARES over the previous week. The current staking is stable at 28,486,340 ARES, with an APY of 26%.

Based on the BSC network, Ares Iliad stake mining is proceeding with its operation. Its current staking amount mounted to 3,398,411 ARES, with an APY of 36%. This week, 60 days of regular products are stable at 1,824,957 ARES. 120 days of regular products have accumulated 1,954,126 ARES until the press date. The 180 days of regular products have mounted to 21,509,480 ARES, with a gain of 1,599,550 ARES over the previous week.

This is the end of the weekly update. Stay tuned, see you next week, bye.

Ares Protocol, the decentralised cross-chain Oracle serive in Polkadot ecosystem

Ares Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain Oracle that truly implements a new generation of cross-chain Oracle service protocol for data on-chain verification, and is the first to open a compensation channel for data users who suffer business losses from using Oracle data.

Ares Protocol is a stochastic secure Oracle solution developed based on the Substrate framework, supporting hybrid Babe and off-chain workhorses, incorporating Polkadot’s latest on-chain governance, bringing the Optimistic Rollup challenge model into the Oracle space, supporting the Ink contract ecosystem, and bringing better quality Oracle services to Defi developers.

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Ares Protocol

The first chain-verified decentralised cross-chain oracle service protocol, please visit this link www.aresprotocol.io.